November 13, 2008

an open letter to jerky guy on the bus:

dear jerky guy on the bus:
i was in a good mood this morning. no, scratch that: i was in a GREAT mood. my hair was looking good (for once), i had a super cute outfit, it was freezing cold outside and it was super foggy. now, most people don't like the foggy weather, but i love it. so, needless to say, i was unusually happy as i was walking to the bus stop at 7:30 this morning.

however, when i got to the back of the bus, where you were sitting, all of that changed. i don't know if you noticed, you were so engrossed in your iphone, but i was carrying a laptop. and i'm freaking 5'2''. that's short. those bars for the people standing to hold are HIGH. i can barely reach them. so, naturally, when i got back to where you were sitting and had to practically stand on my tiptoes to reach the bars with one hand, while holding my laptop in the other, i thought you might give me your seat. all the other guys around you gave up theirs - - i don't know if you noticed but i was the ONLY GIRL standing up in that area of the bus.

but no. you didn't. and you know what? that's okay. some guys don't like to give up their seats, and i understand that.
but did you really have to sit there with your legs all spread out taking up TWO SEATS?! i think that was a little unnecessary, don't you?

and i know that there was one other guy who didn't give up his seat back there. but he looked sad. and he was only taking up one seat. and i wasn't standing directly in front of him.

so, jerky guy on the bus, thanks for making my day a little crappier.
really. i appreciate it.


November 11, 2008

gilmore girls. is it possible that one show can be so...wonderful?

i had a pretty terrible day today...
by the time i made it home i was almost in tears...

however - about 10 minutes into gilmore girls and all of that is gone.

it's like therapy for your soul.

November 01, 2008

oh so busy.

i promise i will start using this thing more often.

i haven't had much to say lately.
and the few things i do have to say have been criticized by a majority of those around me...
so i'll just keep those to myself.

life has been beautiful lately.
i've loved everything about it...

the feeling of finishing a week that is entirely too hectic.
laying on the couch for hours watching gilmore girls and reliving each and every moment (good and bad) through watching his face.
working at a place where, three times a week, i get to spend a few hours with some seriously amazing kids.
knowing that thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. and he will be there to share in all of the traditions, the food, and the laughter.
having him here. to share in stupid things like laughing about something we saw on campus, or yelling at people who don't know how to drive...but also to have him hold me while a cry away the worst day i've had all year.

i'm just...happy.

July 16, 2008

i love him.

(while shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday for couch pillows)

me: "Well...I'd say either navy blue or yellow will work best."
him: "I can' have yellow pillows on my couch...I'm a man."

I cannot wait until August...I'm so ready to be back in CS.

p.s. I'm loving my required books for classes this semester. The list includes Alice In Wonderland, Fast Food Nation, and Harold and the Purple Crayon.

July 02, 2008

Meet Zoe.

she is my new obsession.

mmmm...:-) she rocks.

June 22, 2008


bad news: i am such a freaking wimp.
good news: i had a ridiculous amount of fun yesterday.

June 19, 2008


- I have been a bad blogger lately. I want to fix that.
- I'm so glad Corey is able to be in Hawaii right now visiting his brother - - but I MISS HIM!!!
- I want an iPod Touch. Desperately.
- I am going to Six Flags/Schlitterbahn this weekend. Not only will it be fun, hopefully it'll give me a chance to fix some things.
- I really hope I don't chicken out this weekend.
- I want things to get better - and it looks like they actually might!
- Texting with your boyfriend is NO SUBSTITUTE for actually talking on the phone. It just makes things much more cryptic. :-(
- 9 days. I cannot wait to feel his arms around me.
- I missed church last week, and the week before. And I'm missing this week. Sucks. I miss it.
- The Father's Day cake I made was good. I didn't like the cake part of it so much. But the filling/icing? Amazing!
- Be My Cupcake is my new favorite place. Ever. Their cupcakes make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
- I <3 working out.
- I hate that my computer only lets me watch The Office from 6:00-7:30 in the morning. Seriously - what's up with that?
- I make some freaking good spaghetti.
- I miss watching the Food Network all the time.
- I miss College Station.
- But I love being in Austin.
- It's 9:00 and my eyes are already drooping. Does that make me a grandma?
- No. I don't think it does. I'm going to go read some more of Lisey's Story and go to bed.

P.S. I haven't met a Stephen King book I don't like yet. Seriously. They make me happy.

May 28, 2008

december 2010

... i am getting one.

mmm. so pretty.

May 27, 2008

oh so true.

We were born to mothers who smoked and drank
Our cribs were covered in lead based paint
No child proof lids no seat belts in cars
Rode bikes with no helmets and still here we are, still here we are
We got daddy’s belt when we misbehaved
Had three TV channels you got up to change
No video games and no satellite
All we had were friends and they were outside, playin’ outside

It was a different life
When we were boys and girls
Not just a different time
It was a different world

School always started the same every day
The pledge of allegiance then someone would pray
Not every kid made the team when they tried
We got disappointed and that was all right, we turned out all right

No bottled water, we drank from a garden hose
And every Sunday, all the stores were closed

It was a different world

May 22, 2008

the hardest thing.

i never in my life thought that our relationship would come to this.

you used to be my best friend.
what happened?

i know it's selfish,
but i hope with all of my heart that someday you regret the way you've treated me.

...then i'll at least know you care.

May 12, 2008

bored bored bored.

being home for the summer is not really as exciting when there's nothing to do.

when does work start?

May 06, 2008

An open letter to the girls who insist on going to the gym with their hair and makeup perfect, and looking gorgeous.

Dear girls who insist on going to the gym with their hair and makeup perfect, and looking gorgeous:

Stop it.
You're making the rest of us look bad.

- Amanda

May 01, 2008


i just finished watching My Best Friend's Wedding.

i'm pretty sure julia robert's character is crazy.
like. really. crazy.

i am so glad he didn't pick her.
because she so does NOT deserve the boy.
not even a little bit.

chick flicks are stupid.
(but i still <3 them.)

April 30, 2008

the little things...

you know, it just really makes me smile that a dress i wore my freshman year in high school still fits me perfectly at the end of my freshman year in college.


April 27, 2008

how hungry does this make you??

mmmm....i baked cookies yesterday!!!!

(and yes, they taste just as yummy as they look!!!!!)

April 21, 2008

a walk down memory lane...

So I found my old xanga the other day, and that provided a couple of wonderful hours of laughing at myself.

But it did remind me of one tradition that I've come to miss, and I think I want to revive: the Summer To-Do List.

So in honor of my old xanga, I've decided to post my To-Do lists from '04 and '05, along with how I did as far as completing them.

Plus...Summer To-Do List '08! That's right. Be excited.


To Do This Summer:
1. Read at least 15 books
2. Finish reading The Bible (I don't know if that happened that summer, but I've definitely done it - and I'm currently working on a second time!)
3. Get a good tan (Hah! That never happens.)
4. Work out - alot
5. Get alot of money (working)
6. Have fun (I always do)
7. Don't lose contact with my friends from school
8. Try new things
and just because i feel like following the crowd...
9. Find a nice, sensible boy (Mmmmm....took me a while. But I found him!)


1. read at least 10 books.
2. go to schlitterbahn with my friends (Still haven't been. Sigh.)
3. do really well in my acc class. (Check!)
4. watch alot of movies
5. go on a picnic
6. watch a sunset
7. stay up really late with my friends
8. go to all the fun little festivals we have in lago (Ahhh the memories. So much fun)
9. spend tons of time with all of my friends
10. have at least one completely random and spontaneous day
11. go to karaoke - alot.
12. get closer to some certain people (ahem) (Hmm. I don't remember who this was supposed to be about. Wonder if we got closer? Hah!)
13. don't watch too much tv - spend some time outside
14. be goofy!! ^_^
15. keep up with my bible study
16. take a ton of pictures! (Oh goodness. I did that!)
17. don't get too caught up with stuff - enjoy myself!!!

and nooooow....

1. Work out daily. Or at least...semi-daily. 5X a week. At least.
2. Play lots of tennis/basketball/volleyball/whatever. Just be outside.
3. Start a savings account and actually save money
5. Relax. Alot. It won't happen once school starts, so get it all in!
6. Read alot. I won't set a specific number. But I want to spend some serious time with my books!
7. Eat well. None of this eating out every night crap. And dessert only when I reaaaaally want it.
8. Take pictures. I've really been bad about this lately, and I want to start taking more.
9. Be sure to save plenty of time for my parents. Corey and I have learned that a night in with them can be just as much fun as anything else we could do.
10. Have at least one random road trip. To San Antonio. Houston. Downtown Austin.Dallas. Marble Falls. Heck - - College Station. I don't care. Just go somewhere.


April 11, 2008

next semester

so i'm way excited about my classes next semester...

Children's Literature...
SPED 302...
Dr. Jay's INST class...

...and YOGA.

(i'll have to admit - i'm looking forward to yoga the most. yup. i play favorites.)

April 06, 2008

meet emma and sophie

that's sophie. she's so cute and cuddly.

emma is OBSESSED with the running wheel.

they're pretty much bffs.

April 04, 2008

because i'm bored.

Are you dating the person you texted last?
As a matter of fact, yes I am!
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Nope. Babe is kind of creepy. Baby is fine.
What do you want right now?
Nothing. I'm actually really happy right now.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
Uhh...a devilled egg. Yummmm.
What does your last incoming text message say?
"Praying for you today. I know you will do well on your tests" - - My daddy's so sweet!
What was the last song you listened to?
Currently hearing Nico play "Help Me" :-). Good song.
What did you do last night?
Dinner with Oliva at Chick-Fila (yum!), some coloring...some reading. Lots of relaxing.
What do you want to do when you get out of high school?
Been there done that! :-)
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Do long distance relationships actually work?
Mine is working just fine, thank you!
Whats the first thing you would do with five million bucks?
Oh wow! Pay for college! And then buy myself a Range Rover (and save the rest of the money for gas!!!!!!)
What did your last outgoing text message say?
"I love you!"
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
CBC. YouthCentral. I miss it.
What was the last thing you bought?
Sweeny Todd!! And Nico and I are watching it tomorrow night! Yay!
Do you use an alarm clock?
YES - on my phone. I use it every single day.
Next thing you'll spend money on?
Gas. I have to fill up tomorrow. :-(
Whats the first thing you notice on the OPPOSITE sex?
Smile. :-)
Is cheating ever okay?
No. Never.
Do you want someone you can't have?
Nope! I have the only one I want!
Which of your friends do you argue with most?
Haha - Corey. Definitely.
Are you afraid of the dark?
No - I like it!
What are your plans for tomorrow?
Relax all day.. then quesadillas/Sweeny Todd for mine and Nico's "girls night"
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
mmhmm. Corey tells me that...alot!
How long have you been breathing for?
19 (and a half!) years.
What have you learned lately?
Hmmm. I've learned that coloring can be therapudic! And that Yes, Dear is probably one of the greatest shows ever.
How many pillows do you like to sleep with?
2 under my head + one to cuddle with + either a stuffed animal or a pillow behind my back + Rascal, who I pretty much can't sleep without. :-)
Do you trust people too easily or not enough?
Not enough. It takes a long time to get my trust.
Do you have a crazy side?
All of my sides are a little crazy.
What were you doing an hour ago?
Coloring and watching Friends!
Did you date someone you regret dating?
Ummmm...I don't really regret it, no. I learned alot. And I appreciate Corey so much more now because of it.
Where is your mom right now?
At home, in Austin.
How is life going for you right now?
Wonderful, thank you!!!
Who can you tell everything to?
Can you play guitar hero?
Uh yeah but the people I play with (Corey, Carson, Cameron) are so freaking good that I never have any hope of winning!
Would you rather watch football or baseball?
football, please!!!

... and I'm done.
have a good weekend!

March 29, 2008

oh summer, how i miss you.

i have (at least) three tests next week.
possibly four. three of them on the same day.


only one more month of school.
and then i get to relax.
i need it.
so badly.

March 01, 2008

he's kind of amazing

okay so corey's pretty much WONDERFUL...
he won
at the Wimberly Festival for One Act Play.

i am so ridiculously proud of him.

February 25, 2008


i love:
- zelda.
- lazy weekends with corey.
- the office.
- reading the bible every night with corey.
- the cookies that my mom sent me as a 'get well' present.

i hate:
- oceanography tests.
- grocery shopping.
- having to stop playing zelda because i have an oceanography test.
- knowing there are still two weeks before spring break.
- that the construction workers outside my apartment feel a need to be really loud when they're working and then stare at me awkwardly when i walk past them.

February 22, 2008

"change you can xerox"

...i'm so glad she got booed for that one.

he didn't plagiarize, hillary.
get over yourself.

"what we shouldn't be spending time doing is tearing each other down, we should be spending time lifting the country up."


February 11, 2008

some things i will never understand

1. how food network somehow seems to KNOW that this is the week that i am going to start eating better. how do they choose to tempt me? an entire week devoted to chocolate. seriously? do they KNOW what they are doing to me?!

2. how i can manage to have three tests this week...and none next. is it some law of college that all of your tests have to be lumped into one, tiny timespan? i don't approve.

3. no matter how many times i do it, it never gets any easier to hug corey goodbye, knowing i won't see him for a few weeks. it still breaks my heart every time.

4. how freaking BEAUTIFUL my neices are. i know i'm a little biased, but i swear, every time i see them they are even more gorgeous. it's just not natural.

5. philosophy 240. 'nuff said.

6. every single time i decide i'm going to run, it ends up being a really gross, humid, rainy-ish day. nature hates me.

wish me luck. three tests this week.

February 05, 2008


can somebody please get all of this chocolate out of my apartment?

...i'm trying so hard to eat better.
but i'm not going grocery shopping till next week (going home this weekend, so it feels pointless)..and there is chocolate....everywhere.

now don't get me wrong. i love the chocolate. it has been a good friend to me.
but i need to stop!
...i just feel bad not eating it. i don't like throwing food away.

i suppose i'll just have to suffer through it for a few more days.
but really. if you're in the college station area and need a chocolate fix.
please. come.

p.s. if you're ever given the option to take an intro to logic class...don't. just stay away.

January 18, 2008

do some research, PLEASE!

okay. so i'm not really one to get all heated up about politics. i am not really getting too involved in the election until it is closer and the choices are narrowed down.

i want to preface this by saying i DO NOT necessarily support any specific candidate as of yet. i still have alot of learning to do about all of them.

however, i will say that something that makes me EXTREMELY ANGRY are people like this:

people who make assumptions about a candidate before they do any actual research at all.
- no. he is not muslim. he's a christian. even if he WAS a muslim, since when do we have a right to assume that makes him a bad person? how judgmental can you possibly be?
- no. he does not refuse to say the pledge of allegiance.
- yes. his middle name is Hussein - - SO WHAT?!

it makes me so angry that people actually claim to be knowledgeable about this stuff and will openly criticize a candidate because they read some stupid description about him on a facebook page. it only took me about 5 minutes to google some information about Obama and find pictures of him saying the pledge of allegiance ( and videos of him addressing the rumors going around about his religion, etc. ( - - - start it at 1 min and 50 sec.)

my point is: don't believe everything you read. do some research. learn about it for yourself.

< /rant >. :-)

January 08, 2008

my thoughts on...

chick flicks.

okay. so i've been thinking. and i've come to a conclusion (finally.)

romantic movies = very bad for actual romance.

think about it. we (we being girls) watch these movies, and the men in these movies are suave, and exciting, and they always know the right thing to say or the right thing to do. we watch this in movie after movie, and suddenly, it seems like THAT is what a normal, healthy relationship looks like.

but did you ever stop to think about WHY the guys in these movies are so wonderful.
...really...think about it.
before they do or say these wonderful, romantic things, they are handed a PIECE OF PAPER telling them EXACTLY what to do or say.
and you know who comes up with the IDEAS on these pieces of paper?

and so we watch these movies and then we say "why doesn't my boyfriend serenade me?" or "he's never planned a huge elaborate surprise for me like that...what's wrong with my boyfriend?"

he simply doesn't have someone to write a script for him telling him what to do or say all the time.
and you know what, that makes things a little more exciting.


romance isn't about big, elaborate surprises, or wonderful, sappy love stories.
it's about real people surviving together, supporting each other, and loving each other, no matter what.

so the next time the he says the wrong thing, or does something that makes you really mad, give him a big hug.
because that's what makes him real. that's what makes him human.
that's why you love him in the first place.

thank you, God, for an imperfect boyfried.

January 02, 2008

new years resolution

so, i'm not usually one for new years resolutions.
however, this year, there is something i feel is pretty important.

in 2008...
when i look in the mirror, i will smile and tell myself i am beautiful, no matter what.
i will not ever take any of the people that i love for granted, especially my family and corey.
i will appreciate everything i have, and i won't waste my time wishing things were different.
i will pursue God with a passion that i haven't had in a long time, and i will deepen and strengthen my relationship with him.
i will always make sure that corey knows how glad i am to have him, and how much i love him.
i will make sure my friends know how much they mean to me.
...basically, in 2008, i am going to be joyful.
no matter what.