January 18, 2008

do some research, PLEASE!

okay. so i'm not really one to get all heated up about politics. i am not really getting too involved in the election until it is closer and the choices are narrowed down.

i want to preface this by saying i DO NOT necessarily support any specific candidate as of yet. i still have alot of learning to do about all of them.

however, i will say that something that makes me EXTREMELY ANGRY are people like this:

people who make assumptions about a candidate before they do any actual research at all.
- no. he is not muslim. he's a christian. even if he WAS a muslim, since when do we have a right to assume that makes him a bad person? how judgmental can you possibly be?
- no. he does not refuse to say the pledge of allegiance.
- yes. his middle name is Hussein - - SO WHAT?!

it makes me so angry that people actually claim to be knowledgeable about this stuff and will openly criticize a candidate because they read some stupid description about him on a facebook page. it only took me about 5 minutes to google some information about Obama and find pictures of him saying the pledge of allegiance (http://mediamatters.org/static/images/item/hannity-20071023-obama2.jpg) and videos of him addressing the rumors going around about his religion, etc. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsPIRSuSFq0 - - - start it at 1 min and 50 sec.)

my point is: don't believe everything you read. do some research. learn about it for yourself.

< /rant >. :-)

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