April 04, 2008

because i'm bored.

Are you dating the person you texted last?
As a matter of fact, yes I am!
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Nope. Babe is kind of creepy. Baby is fine. Babe...no.
What do you want right now?
Nothing. I'm actually really happy right now.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
Uhh...a devilled egg. Yummmm.
What does your last incoming text message say?
"Praying for you today. I know you will do well on your tests" - - My daddy's so sweet!
What was the last song you listened to?
Currently hearing Nico play "Help Me" :-). Good song.
What did you do last night?
Dinner with Oliva at Chick-Fila (yum!), some coloring...some reading. Lots of relaxing.
What do you want to do when you get out of high school?
Been there done that! :-)
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Do long distance relationships actually work?
Mine is working just fine, thank you!
Whats the first thing you would do with five million bucks?
Oh wow! Pay for college! And then buy myself a Range Rover (and save the rest of the money for gas!!!!!!)
What did your last outgoing text message say?
"I love you!"
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
CBC. YouthCentral. I miss it.
What was the last thing you bought?
Sweeny Todd!! And Nico and I are watching it tomorrow night! Yay!
Do you use an alarm clock?
YES - on my phone. I use it every single day.
Next thing you'll spend money on?
Gas. I have to fill up tomorrow. :-(
Whats the first thing you notice on the OPPOSITE sex?
Smile. :-)
Is cheating ever okay?
No. Never.
Do you want someone you can't have?
Nope! I have the only one I want!
Which of your friends do you argue with most?
Haha - Corey. Definitely.
Are you afraid of the dark?
No - I like it!
What are your plans for tomorrow?
Relax all day.. then quesadillas/Sweeny Todd for mine and Nico's "girls night"
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
mmhmm. Corey tells me that...alot!
How long have you been breathing for?
19 (and a half!) years.
What have you learned lately?
Hmmm. I've learned that coloring can be therapudic! And that Yes, Dear is probably one of the greatest shows ever.
How many pillows do you like to sleep with?
2 under my head + one to cuddle with + either a stuffed animal or a pillow behind my back + Rascal, who I pretty much can't sleep without. :-)
Do you trust people too easily or not enough?
Not enough. It takes a long time to get my trust.
Do you have a crazy side?
All of my sides are a little crazy.
What were you doing an hour ago?
Coloring and watching Friends!
Did you date someone you regret dating?
Ummmm...I don't really regret it, no. I learned alot. And I appreciate Corey so much more now because of it.
Where is your mom right now?
At home, in Austin.
How is life going for you right now?
Wonderful, thank you!!!
Who can you tell everything to?
Can you play guitar hero?
Uh yeah but the people I play with (Corey, Carson, Cameron) are so freaking good that I never have any hope of winning!
Would you rather watch football or baseball?
football, please!!!

... and I'm done.
have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel honored I'm now in the coveted grouping of Guitar Hero gods. I mean to be up there with Corey(medium).

Haha, hope you read that Core.