April 21, 2008

a walk down memory lane...

So I found my old xanga the other day, and that provided a couple of wonderful hours of laughing at myself.

But it did remind me of one tradition that I've come to miss, and I think I want to revive: the Summer To-Do List.

So in honor of my old xanga, I've decided to post my To-Do lists from '04 and '05, along with how I did as far as completing them.

Plus...Summer To-Do List '08! That's right. Be excited.


To Do This Summer:
1. Read at least 15 books
2. Finish reading The Bible (I don't know if that happened that summer, but I've definitely done it - and I'm currently working on a second time!)
3. Get a good tan (Hah! That never happens.)
4. Work out - alot
5. Get alot of money (working)
6. Have fun (I always do)
7. Don't lose contact with my friends from school
8. Try new things
and just because i feel like following the crowd...
9. Find a nice, sensible boy (Mmmmm....took me a while. But I found him!)


1. read at least 10 books.
2. go to schlitterbahn with my friends (Still haven't been. Sigh.)
3. do really well in my acc class. (Check!)
4. watch alot of movies
5. go on a picnic
6. watch a sunset
7. stay up really late with my friends
8. go to all the fun little festivals we have in lago (Ahhh the memories. So much fun)
9. spend tons of time with all of my friends
10. have at least one completely random and spontaneous day
11. go to karaoke - alot.
12. get closer to some certain people (ahem) (Hmm. I don't remember who this was supposed to be about. Wonder if we got closer? Hah!)
13. don't watch too much tv - spend some time outside
14. be goofy!! ^_^
15. keep up with my bible study
16. take a ton of pictures! (Oh goodness. I did that!)
17. don't get too caught up with stuff - enjoy myself!!!

and nooooow....

1. Work out daily. Or at least...semi-daily. 5X a week. At least.
2. Play lots of tennis/basketball/volleyball/whatever. Just be outside.
3. Start a savings account and actually save money
5. Relax. Alot. It won't happen once school starts, so get it all in!
6. Read alot. I won't set a specific number. But I want to spend some serious time with my books!
7. Eat well. None of this eating out every night crap. And dessert only when I reaaaaally want it.
8. Take pictures. I've really been bad about this lately, and I want to start taking more.
9. Be sure to save plenty of time for my parents. Corey and I have learned that a night in with them can be just as much fun as anything else we could do.
10. Have at least one random road trip. To San Antonio. Houston. Downtown Austin.Dallas. Marble Falls. Heck - - College Station. I don't care. Just go somewhere.


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