January 02, 2008

new years resolution

so, i'm not usually one for new years resolutions.
however, this year, there is something i feel is pretty important.

in 2008...
when i look in the mirror, i will smile and tell myself i am beautiful, no matter what.
i will not ever take any of the people that i love for granted, especially my family and corey.
i will appreciate everything i have, and i won't waste my time wishing things were different.
i will pursue God with a passion that i haven't had in a long time, and i will deepen and strengthen my relationship with him.
i will always make sure that corey knows how glad i am to have him, and how much i love him.
i will make sure my friends know how much they mean to me.
...basically, in 2008, i am going to be joyful.
no matter what.

1 comment:

m said...

those are good, mandalynn.