January 18, 2008

do some research, PLEASE!

okay. so i'm not really one to get all heated up about politics. i am not really getting too involved in the election until it is closer and the choices are narrowed down.

i want to preface this by saying i DO NOT necessarily support any specific candidate as of yet. i still have alot of learning to do about all of them.

however, i will say that something that makes me EXTREMELY ANGRY are people like this:

people who make assumptions about a candidate before they do any actual research at all.
- no. he is not muslim. he's a christian. even if he WAS a muslim, since when do we have a right to assume that makes him a bad person? how judgmental can you possibly be?
- no. he does not refuse to say the pledge of allegiance.
- yes. his middle name is Hussein - - SO WHAT?!

it makes me so angry that people actually claim to be knowledgeable about this stuff and will openly criticize a candidate because they read some stupid description about him on a facebook page. it only took me about 5 minutes to google some information about Obama and find pictures of him saying the pledge of allegiance (http://mediamatters.org/static/images/item/hannity-20071023-obama2.jpg) and videos of him addressing the rumors going around about his religion, etc. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsPIRSuSFq0 - - - start it at 1 min and 50 sec.)

my point is: don't believe everything you read. do some research. learn about it for yourself.

< /rant >. :-)

January 08, 2008

my thoughts on...

chick flicks.

okay. so i've been thinking. and i've come to a conclusion (finally.)

romantic movies = very bad for actual romance.

think about it. we (we being girls) watch these movies, and the men in these movies are suave, and exciting, and they always know the right thing to say or the right thing to do. we watch this in movie after movie, and suddenly, it seems like THAT is what a normal, healthy relationship looks like.

but did you ever stop to think about WHY the guys in these movies are so wonderful.
...really...think about it.
before they do or say these wonderful, romantic things, they are handed a PIECE OF PAPER telling them EXACTLY what to do or say.
and you know who comes up with the IDEAS on these pieces of paper?

and so we watch these movies and then we say "why doesn't my boyfriend serenade me?" or "he's never planned a huge elaborate surprise for me like that...what's wrong with my boyfriend?"

he simply doesn't have someone to write a script for him telling him what to do or say all the time.
and you know what, that makes things a little more exciting.


romance isn't about big, elaborate surprises, or wonderful, sappy love stories.
it's about real people surviving together, supporting each other, and loving each other, no matter what.

so the next time the he says the wrong thing, or does something that makes you really mad, give him a big hug.
because that's what makes him real. that's what makes him human.
that's why you love him in the first place.

thank you, God, for an imperfect boyfried.

January 02, 2008

new years resolution

so, i'm not usually one for new years resolutions.
however, this year, there is something i feel is pretty important.

in 2008...
when i look in the mirror, i will smile and tell myself i am beautiful, no matter what.
i will not ever take any of the people that i love for granted, especially my family and corey.
i will appreciate everything i have, and i won't waste my time wishing things were different.
i will pursue God with a passion that i haven't had in a long time, and i will deepen and strengthen my relationship with him.
i will always make sure that corey knows how glad i am to have him, and how much i love him.
i will make sure my friends know how much they mean to me.
...basically, in 2008, i am going to be joyful.
no matter what.