December 04, 2007

dear writers,

i miss you dearly.
i understand your need to strike.
really. i do.

but i don't know how long i'm going to be able to make it without house.

...i'm glad they're supporting the strike and all...

December 01, 2007

6 days.

in 6 days i will officially (finally) be going home.
for an entire month!!
i cannot even tell you how ready i am for this.

i just hope i can survive my finals this week.
goodness...this is going to be a crazy 6 days....

happy first of december!

November 21, 2007

amanda strikes again.

i have officially destroyed the career of yet another potential Top Model.

it happens every season.
i pick an absolute favorite model.
she makes it for a while.
and then...
suddenly, she is sent home. job this season is done.

so i suppose we'll all have to wait until next season to found out whose dreams i'll ruin next.


November 17, 2007

i'm done.

i was the bigger person for so long.
and all that happened was i got hurt over and over.

...and i'm done with it.
this is probably the most depressing realization that i've ever had.
but i don't even want to be around you anymore.

November 14, 2007

this looked like fun.

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
1. I miss our friendship, and I hate knowing that I may never find another friend like you.
2. I'm so glad I found you. You make me so happy.
3. I can't believe we're actually here. I'm so glad I'm getting to share this with you.
4. You are an amazing friend. Thanks for giving me a second chance.
5. I wish I would have hung out with you one last time before I left.
6. Follow your dreams. Please? Don't give up on what you've always wanted just because they want you to.
7. I hope you and I can become closer. You're a really awesome person, and I want to get to know you better.
8. It's really sad to me that we may not see each other after this semester.
9. You ruined me. I can't forgive you for that.
10. I wish you would be honest with me. I feel like everything we've ever shared has been fake.

NINE things about yourself:
1. I looooove cooking. Even though I'm still learning.
2. Math will be the death of me.
3. I adore Rachael Ray..She pretty much rocks.
4. I have grown up so much in the past three months, it's ridiculous.
5. I'm addicted to ANTM and Beauty and the Geek.
6. I really hate not having a job.
7. I truly think that Corey is the only one who could ever put up with my ridiculousness.
8. It takes a long time for me to open up to people.
9. I can be a bit controlling sometimes. I can't help it. :-(

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
1. Surprise me.
2. Send me letters/emails/hide notes in my room.
3. Tell me how you feel.
4. Let me know that you appreciate me.
5. Take me somewhere new and fun.
6. The little things are what matter. Surprise me with a picnic. Make me laugh. Send me a random text message.
7. Take me to Luby's.
8. Let me be myself. Even if sometimes that means I'm dumb, or annoying, or crazy.

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. I want a job.
2. I really miss being around Corey.
3. I want to go home and see my friends.
4. I'm so excited about where my life is heading.
5. I hate math.
6. And geology.
7. I miss my parents.

SIX things you wish you never did:
1. Dated him.
2. Gave up on our friendship.
3. Let two years go by before I tried again.
4. Kept my mouth closed. I should have opened up to you.
5. I wasn't there for you when you needed me.
6. Let it get to the point where I don't even feel like I know you anymore.

FIVE turn offs:
1. Rudeness (to me or to anyone else)
2. Sarcasm - - when it's mean. (joking sarcasm is okay.)
3. Selfishness
4. Cussing
5. Losing your temper

FOUR turn ons:
1. Caring about me.
2. Surprises.
3. Commitment.
4. Listening to me.

THREE smileys that describe your life:
1. This is dumb. I'm not doing it.

things you want to do before you die:

1. Ride an elephant.
2. Visit all 50 states.

ONE confession:
1. My name is Amanda, and I'm addicted to the Food Network.

October 11, 2007

20 things i have learned...

so, i hardly feel like my few months of college experience has made me a sage of some sort...
but i do think that i've learned some things about the world, college, and myself...

1. busses = much faster than driving. nice when you have a 9:10 class and you slept in.
2. busses also generally mean that you're about to become very close (literally) to many people that you don't know. not always a pleasant experience.
3. group projects in college are infinitely better than the ones you do in high school. i promise.
4. television and/or facebook can be a very bad thing when you have a test in the morning.
5. always have at least one show that you watch religiously with whoever you live with. not only is it relaxing, it provides for some good bonding time.
6. cooking is wonderful. seriously...wonderful.
7. moms are wonderful human beings. not only can they be one of your best friends, they are also willing to spend an entire evening doing laundry for you because you're only home for one night.
8. dads are also pretty amazing people. they'll drive two and a half hours to fix your car, and not complain once. they'll even take you out to lunch! :-)
9. i do not want to be a geologist. ever.
10. magazines like seventeen make me feel old.
11. weekly dinners with friends are great. it's something you will look forward to all week.
12. long-distance relationships are hard, but oh-so-worth it.
13. walking to and from class can be a great form of exercise!
14. never underestimate the power of a nap.
15. to-do lists will keep you sane.
16. your standard for what is a "good" grade drops considerably once you reach college. and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
17. daily time with God is absolutely imperative to a good day.
18. watch out for school zones!!!!!!!
19. driving home on a school night for a concert (and driving back the next morning) is totally worth it.
20. no matter what sort of ideas you have in your head about "growing up" and moving off to college, it's totally different than you ever imagined.

with each new embrace
i have tied myself up,
more tightly,
into you.

October 05, 2007

my car is fixed.

thank you daddy.
you're basically the most amazing. ever.

so i'm really really excited about monday.
because i'm going back to austin.
and not even just that...
...i'm going back to austin
to see dashboard confessional.

seriously. so. freaking. excited.
it'll be amazing.

...i am very bummed about the fact that his new cd came out on tuesday and i still don't have it.
oh, the woes of being a poor college student.

nicole and i are cooking dinner for jacob and amber tonight.
(they cooked for us last night.)
should be tons of fun. = <3

October 02, 2007


okay. so.
want to hear some really fun news??
... my brakes are shot.

no. i'm not kidding.
i was driving home from class today (thank God i live near campus)
and i noticed a funny noise when i pressed on my brakes
and i noticed a strange grinding feeling when i pushed down.
seriously. so freaking scary. i thought i was going to die.
i thought my brakes were going to give out and i was just going to die and that would be it.

...thankfully, i made it back to my apartment
but now i DON'T HAVE A CAR.
i have to ride the bus to class tomorrow and thursday.
which is stressful, because i've never ridden the bus before and i'm not sure where on campus it picks up.

if i'm late to class, i'm going to be pissed.

so that was my day in a nutshell.
now my poor daddy has to drive up here to fix my brakes.
luckily he's amazing and he can do that.
what's even more amazing is that he's willing to.

i'm a lucky, lucky girl.
...except for the part where i'm super unlucky. because my car broke.


September 30, 2007

oh, food network.

so ... this weekend, i discovered a new addiction.

... food network.

okay, you even understand how wonderful that channel is?
because i cannot stop watching it.

my favorites?
paula dean
rachael ray
guy fieri

...i actually don't really like emeril.
crazy, i know.
but i find him annoying.

and if he's on...
i'll usually just switch the channel to hgtv...

oh, hgtv...

September 27, 2007

never say never...

so before i started college, i kept hearing people talk about changing their majors.
and i was so happy because i thought i'd neeeever want to change mine.
...again. never say never.

okay, so i didn't really drastically change my major, but i changed it.
i used to be in early childhood education.
now i'm in special education.

the benefits:
1) there is a possibility that once i actually enter the program, they'll completely fund my tuition.
2) i'll have all of my classes with the same group of 30 students, which means i'll be able to form some really good friendships.
3) i'll be able to teach regular ed. elementary school AND special ed.
4) this is something i've ALWAAAAYS wanted to do.
5) i don't have to take hist 266 (which i was enrolled in)
6) which means i got to drop a class.
7) which means i don't have any classes on friday.
8) and i'm done with class on wednesdays at 10:00.
9) oh. and i was supposed to have a test in that class tomorrow. ;-)
10) fewer science classes
11) fewer math classes
12) they're gonna freakin' pay for my tuition!!!

the drawbacks:
1) i kinda like my history prof.
2) knowledge of texas' history won't be very in-depth. (insert sarcasm here.)

...pretty sure the pros outweigh the cons, no?

hope everyone else's day was as marvelous as mine was.

September 23, 2007

my boyfriend is pretty much the best. ever.

so corey surprised me today my coming up here for my birthday.
it was great.
he gave me the entire series of friends on dvd. i was pretty freakin' happy!

my daddy was supposed to come have lunch with me tomorrow (which would have been amazing), but it didn't really work out.
oh well. at least i know my family loves me enough to want to come. that's really all that matters to me, anways.

so basically, i'm thinking 5 things right now:
1 - i love my parents alot, and i love that i feel like we've gotten closer since i left.
2 - i love corey too. he's pretty great.
3 - nicole and i should never again make chocolate candies. we're really way too good at it.
4 - winston (our fish) is a pretty amazing fish. even if he is anorexic.
5 - geology still pretty much sucks. alot.

September 21, 2007

first college exam...

finally got my grade back for my first geology test.


i miss blogging.

alright, so here we go.
i've decided to create a blog (again) because i dearly miss my old one.

first weekend up here in college station without really having any plans...
turned out rather interesting - nicole and i went on an adventure looking for vanilla (not white chocolate) baking bits. finally found 'em after the fourth store.
and now it's 10:00 at night and we're making dark chocolate/vanilla candies.

... just 'cause we feel like it.

tomorrow my aunt/uncle/cousin are all coming up here for a large birthday celebration (three of us have a birthday within the next 5 days.)
so that should be fun.

i miss everyone back home.
but it's (slowly) getting a little easier.

heaven is here
and tonight, we are the only ones who feel it.