November 13, 2008

an open letter to jerky guy on the bus:

dear jerky guy on the bus:
i was in a good mood this morning. no, scratch that: i was in a GREAT mood. my hair was looking good (for once), i had a super cute outfit, it was freezing cold outside and it was super foggy. now, most people don't like the foggy weather, but i love it. so, needless to say, i was unusually happy as i was walking to the bus stop at 7:30 this morning.

however, when i got to the back of the bus, where you were sitting, all of that changed. i don't know if you noticed, you were so engrossed in your iphone, but i was carrying a laptop. and i'm freaking 5'2''. that's short. those bars for the people standing to hold are HIGH. i can barely reach them. so, naturally, when i got back to where you were sitting and had to practically stand on my tiptoes to reach the bars with one hand, while holding my laptop in the other, i thought you might give me your seat. all the other guys around you gave up theirs - - i don't know if you noticed but i was the ONLY GIRL standing up in that area of the bus.

but no. you didn't. and you know what? that's okay. some guys don't like to give up their seats, and i understand that.
but did you really have to sit there with your legs all spread out taking up TWO SEATS?! i think that was a little unnecessary, don't you?

and i know that there was one other guy who didn't give up his seat back there. but he looked sad. and he was only taking up one seat. and i wasn't standing directly in front of him.

so, jerky guy on the bus, thanks for making my day a little crappier.
really. i appreciate it.


November 11, 2008

gilmore girls. is it possible that one show can be so...wonderful?

i had a pretty terrible day today...
by the time i made it home i was almost in tears...

however - about 10 minutes into gilmore girls and all of that is gone.

it's like therapy for your soul.

November 01, 2008

oh so busy.

i promise i will start using this thing more often.

i haven't had much to say lately.
and the few things i do have to say have been criticized by a majority of those around me...
so i'll just keep those to myself.

life has been beautiful lately.
i've loved everything about it...

the feeling of finishing a week that is entirely too hectic.
laying on the couch for hours watching gilmore girls and reliving each and every moment (good and bad) through watching his face.
working at a place where, three times a week, i get to spend a few hours with some seriously amazing kids.
knowing that thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. and he will be there to share in all of the traditions, the food, and the laughter.
having him here. to share in stupid things like laughing about something we saw on campus, or yelling at people who don't know how to drive...but also to have him hold me while a cry away the worst day i've had all year.

i'm just...happy.