May 28, 2008

december 2010

... i am getting one.

mmm. so pretty.

May 27, 2008

oh so true.

We were born to mothers who smoked and drank
Our cribs were covered in lead based paint
No child proof lids no seat belts in cars
Rode bikes with no helmets and still here we are, still here we are
We got daddy’s belt when we misbehaved
Had three TV channels you got up to change
No video games and no satellite
All we had were friends and they were outside, playin’ outside

It was a different life
When we were boys and girls
Not just a different time
It was a different world

School always started the same every day
The pledge of allegiance then someone would pray
Not every kid made the team when they tried
We got disappointed and that was all right, we turned out all right

No bottled water, we drank from a garden hose
And every Sunday, all the stores were closed

It was a different world

May 22, 2008

the hardest thing.

i never in my life thought that our relationship would come to this.

you used to be my best friend.
what happened?

i know it's selfish,
but i hope with all of my heart that someday you regret the way you've treated me.

...then i'll at least know you care.

May 12, 2008

bored bored bored.

being home for the summer is not really as exciting when there's nothing to do.

when does work start?

May 06, 2008

An open letter to the girls who insist on going to the gym with their hair and makeup perfect, and looking gorgeous.

Dear girls who insist on going to the gym with their hair and makeup perfect, and looking gorgeous:

Stop it.
You're making the rest of us look bad.

- Amanda

May 01, 2008


i just finished watching My Best Friend's Wedding.

i'm pretty sure julia robert's character is crazy.
like. really. crazy.

i am so glad he didn't pick her.
because she so does NOT deserve the boy.
not even a little bit.

chick flicks are stupid.
(but i still <3 them.)