November 21, 2007

amanda strikes again.

i have officially destroyed the career of yet another potential Top Model.

it happens every season.
i pick an absolute favorite model.
she makes it for a while.
and then...
suddenly, she is sent home. job this season is done.

so i suppose we'll all have to wait until next season to found out whose dreams i'll ruin next.


November 17, 2007

i'm done.

i was the bigger person for so long.
and all that happened was i got hurt over and over.

...and i'm done with it.
this is probably the most depressing realization that i've ever had.
but i don't even want to be around you anymore.

November 14, 2007

this looked like fun.

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
1. I miss our friendship, and I hate knowing that I may never find another friend like you.
2. I'm so glad I found you. You make me so happy.
3. I can't believe we're actually here. I'm so glad I'm getting to share this with you.
4. You are an amazing friend. Thanks for giving me a second chance.
5. I wish I would have hung out with you one last time before I left.
6. Follow your dreams. Please? Don't give up on what you've always wanted just because they want you to.
7. I hope you and I can become closer. You're a really awesome person, and I want to get to know you better.
8. It's really sad to me that we may not see each other after this semester.
9. You ruined me. I can't forgive you for that.
10. I wish you would be honest with me. I feel like everything we've ever shared has been fake.

NINE things about yourself:
1. I looooove cooking. Even though I'm still learning.
2. Math will be the death of me.
3. I adore Rachael Ray..She pretty much rocks.
4. I have grown up so much in the past three months, it's ridiculous.
5. I'm addicted to ANTM and Beauty and the Geek.
6. I really hate not having a job.
7. I truly think that Corey is the only one who could ever put up with my ridiculousness.
8. It takes a long time for me to open up to people.
9. I can be a bit controlling sometimes. I can't help it. :-(

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
1. Surprise me.
2. Send me letters/emails/hide notes in my room.
3. Tell me how you feel.
4. Let me know that you appreciate me.
5. Take me somewhere new and fun.
6. The little things are what matter. Surprise me with a picnic. Make me laugh. Send me a random text message.
7. Take me to Luby's.
8. Let me be myself. Even if sometimes that means I'm dumb, or annoying, or crazy.

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. I want a job.
2. I really miss being around Corey.
3. I want to go home and see my friends.
4. I'm so excited about where my life is heading.
5. I hate math.
6. And geology.
7. I miss my parents.

SIX things you wish you never did:
1. Dated him.
2. Gave up on our friendship.
3. Let two years go by before I tried again.
4. Kept my mouth closed. I should have opened up to you.
5. I wasn't there for you when you needed me.
6. Let it get to the point where I don't even feel like I know you anymore.

FIVE turn offs:
1. Rudeness (to me or to anyone else)
2. Sarcasm - - when it's mean. (joking sarcasm is okay.)
3. Selfishness
4. Cussing
5. Losing your temper

FOUR turn ons:
1. Caring about me.
2. Surprises.
3. Commitment.
4. Listening to me.

THREE smileys that describe your life:
1. This is dumb. I'm not doing it.

things you want to do before you die:

1. Ride an elephant.
2. Visit all 50 states.

ONE confession:
1. My name is Amanda, and I'm addicted to the Food Network.